#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import sys import os picdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))), 'pic') libdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))), 'lib') if os.path.exists(libdir): sys.path.append(libdir) import logging from waveshare_epd import epd2in13d import time from PIL import Image,ImageDraw,ImageFont import traceback #Set output log level logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) try: logging.info("epd2in13d Demo") epd = epd2in13d.EPD() logging.info("init and Clear") epd.init() epd.Clear() font15 = ImageFont.truetype(os.path.join(picdir, 'Font.ttc'), 15) font24 = ImageFont.truetype(os.path.join(picdir, 'Font.ttc'), 24) # Drawing on the Horizontal image logging.info("1.Drawing on the Horizontal image...") Himage = Image.new('1', (epd.height, epd.width), 255) # 255: clear the frame draw = ImageDraw.Draw(Himage) draw.rectangle([(0,0),(50,50)],outline = 0) draw.rectangle([(55,0),(100,50)],fill = 0) draw.line([(0,0),(50,50)], fill = 0,width = 1) draw.line([(0,50),(50,0)], fill = 0,width = 1) draw.chord((10, 60, 50, 100), 0, 360, fill = 0) draw.ellipse((55, 60, 95, 100), outline = 0) draw.pieslice((55, 60, 95, 100), 90, 180, outline = 0) draw.pieslice((55, 60, 95, 100), 270, 360, fill = 0) draw.polygon([(110,0),(110,50),(150,25)],outline = 0) draw.polygon([(190,0),(190,50),(150,25)],fill = 0) draw.text((110, 60), 'e-Paper demo', font = font15, fill = 0) draw.text((110, 80), u'微雪电子', font = font15, fill = 0) epd.display(epd.getbuffer(Himage)) time.sleep(2) logging.info("3.read bmp file") Himage = Image.open(os.path.join(picdir, '2in13d.bmp')) epd.display(epd.getbuffer(Himage)) time.sleep(2) logging.info("4.read bmp file on window") Himage2 = Image.new('1', (epd.height, epd.width), 255) # 255: clear the frame bmp = Image.open(os.path.join(picdir, '100x100.bmp')) Himage2.paste(bmp, (20,0)) epd.display(epd.getbuffer(Himage2)) time.sleep(2) # partial update logging.info("5.show time...") # epd.init() # epd.Clear() # time_image = Image.new('1', (epd.width, epd.height), 255) # time_draw = ImageDraw.Draw(time_image) # num = 0 # while (True): # time_draw.rectangle((10, 10, 120, 50), fill = 255) # time_draw.text((10, 10), time.strftime('%H:%M:%S'), font = font24, fill = 0) # newimage = time_image.crop([10, 10, 120, 50]) # time_image.paste(newimage, (10,10)) # epd.DisplayPartial(epd.getbuffer(time_image)) # num = num + 1 # if(num == 10): # break logging.info("Clear...") epd.init() epd.Clear() logging.info("Goto Sleep...") epd.sleep() except IOError as e: logging.info(e) except KeyboardInterrupt: logging.info("ctrl + c:") epd2in13d.epdconfig.module_exit() exit()