#include #include "epd2in9b.h" #include "imagedata.h" #include "epdpaint.h" #define COLORED 0 #define UNCOLORED 1 void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: Serial.begin(9600); Epd epd; if (epd.Init() != 0) { Serial.print("e-Paper init failed"); return; } /* This clears the SRAM of the e-paper display */ epd.ClearFrame(); /** * Due to RAM not enough in Arduino UNO, a frame buffer is not allowed. * In this case, a smaller image buffer is allocated and you have to * update a partial display several times. * 1 byte = 8 pixels, therefore you have to set 8*N pixels at a time. */ unsigned char image[1024]; Paint paint(image, 128, 18); //width should be the multiple of 8 paint.Clear(UNCOLORED); paint.DrawStringAt(0, 0, "e-Paper Demo", &Font12, COLORED); epd.SetPartialWindowBlack(paint.GetImage(), 24, 32, paint.GetWidth(), paint.GetHeight()); paint.Clear(COLORED); paint.DrawStringAt(2, 2, "Hello world", &Font16, UNCOLORED); epd.SetPartialWindowRed(paint.GetImage(), 0, 64, paint.GetWidth(), paint.GetHeight()); paint.SetWidth(64); paint.SetHeight(64); paint.Clear(UNCOLORED); paint.DrawRectangle(0, 0, 40, 50, COLORED); paint.DrawLine(0, 0, 40, 50, COLORED); paint.DrawLine(40, 0, 0, 50, COLORED); epd.SetPartialWindowBlack(paint.GetImage(), 8, 120, paint.GetWidth(), paint.GetHeight()); paint.Clear(UNCOLORED); paint.DrawCircle(32, 32, 30, COLORED); epd.SetPartialWindowBlack(paint.GetImage(), 64, 120, paint.GetWidth(), paint.GetHeight()); paint.Clear(UNCOLORED); paint.DrawFilledRectangle(0, 0, 40, 50, COLORED); epd.SetPartialWindowRed(paint.GetImage(), 8, 200, paint.GetWidth(), paint.GetHeight()); paint.Clear(UNCOLORED); paint.DrawFilledCircle(32, 32, 30, COLORED); epd.SetPartialWindowRed(paint.GetImage(), 64, 200, paint.GetWidth(), paint.GetHeight()); /* This displays the data from the SRAM in e-Paper module */ epd.DisplayFrame(); /* This displays an image */ epd.DisplayFrame(IMAGE_BLACK, IMAGE_RED); /* Deep sleep */ epd.Sleep(); } void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: }