diff --git a/examples/mqtt.py b/examples/mqtt.py index 7297026..23c2155 100644 --- a/examples/mqtt.py +++ b/examples/mqtt.py @@ -71,21 +71,26 @@ def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc): def on_message(client, userdata, msg): if msg.topic == "openWB/pv/W": + value_pvProduction = msg.payload.decode() line = 0 elif msg.topic == "openWB/global/WHouseConsumption": + value_wHouseConsumption = msg.payload.decode() line = 15 elif msg.topic == "openWB/evu/W": + value_energyImportExport = msg.payload.decode() line = 30 elif msg.topic == "openWB/housebattery/%Soc": + topic_houseBatterySoC = msg.payload.decode() line = 45 - elif msg.topic == "openWB/housebattery/W": + elif msg.topic == "openWB/housebattery/W": + topic_houseBatteryLoadUnload = msg.payload.decode() line = 60 print(line) + drawblack.rectangle((150, line, 220, 50), fill = 255) drawblack.text((150, line), msg.payload.decode(), font = font10, fill = 0) epd.DisplayPartial(epd.getbuffer(HBlackimage)) - time.sleep(10) #print(f"`{msg.topic}`: `{msg.payload.decode()}`") Connected = False #global variable for the state of the connection @@ -98,6 +103,12 @@ topic_energyImportExport = "openWB/evu/W" topic_houseBatterySoC = "openWB/housebattery/%Soc" topic_houseBatteryLoadUnload = "openWB/housebattery/W" +value_pvProduction = 0 +value_wHouseConsumption = 0 +value_energyImportExport = 0 +value_houseBatterySoC = 0 +value_houseBatteryLoadUnload = 0 + username = "mqtt-user" pw = "phio6yiR9ohs1veeghu4WaeGhaiRi8he4EiWasheev4faeku8tohdiuthah7zahP" client_id = "solarmonitor" @@ -106,7 +117,7 @@ client = mqtt_client.Client(client_id, protocol=paho.MQTTv31) client.username_pw_set(username, password=pw) client.on_connect = on_connect client.on_message = on_message - +logging.info("test") client.connect(broker, port=port) client.loop_start() #start the loop